Monday, August 17, 2009

The Drug-Terror Cycle: How Afghanistan Poppy Production Fuels Global Terrorism IV

Rise in Poppy Production 2006:

Afghanistan increased its production of poppy in 2006 and is expected to increase its production in 2007 as well. There are several reasons farmers choose to grow the poppy plant instead of wheat or rice (other major cash crops grown in Afghanistan). First farmers earn much higher wages if they grow poppy. Second, the drug trade is driving farmers to grow poppy under duress from drug traffickers and war lords trying to gain more resources. Third, farmers tell United Nations surveyors that they are able to buy luxury goods, such as televisions in addition to supporting their families, by growing poppy. Farmers growing poppy in Afghanistan contribute up to 70 percent of the worlds illicitly used opium. This not only poisons the public but contributes to tribal war lords, terrorist organizations, and the ousted Taliban government.

Farmers, on a whole, are able to earn 10 times the amount of money growing poppy as they can grow wheat. Wheat is the second leading cash crop grown in Afghanistan and does not bring in nearly the amount of money needed by poor Afghani farmers. “According to United Nations estimates, Afghan farmers can earn about $5,200 from an acre of opium, compared to $121 from an acre of wheat” (Hueg 2004). Farmers have no choice, if they want to provide the best lives for their families; they must grow poppy instead of other crops. While farmers are able to provide necessary items for their families through poppy production they are also able to buy luxury items with the extra income they earn. United Nations surveys list that being able to buy televisions and radios for their enjoyment are high up on the list of why farmers in Afghanistan grow poppy.

During the Cold War the United States supplied the Mujahidin with money and weapons. This source of income allowed Osama bin Laden and other leaders within the Afghan uprising to maintain their fight against the Soviet Union. Now tribal warlords are able to collect millions of dollars by trafficking opium. Once the al Qaeda threat is fully eliminated from Afghanistan, there will be a new form of terrorism. Narco-terrorism, much the same as it exists in Columbia, may be the result of US actions taking place in Afghanistan.


Lieutenant Colonel Thomas H. Hueg. (2004). “Afghanistan and Opium: Breaking the Habit.” United States Army War College.

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